It seemed too good to be true - a media organisation running two graduate schemes?
In the middle of a credit crunch? Seriously?
But it was not to last. The Press Association has officially cancelled its Multimedia Journalist Traineeship for 2009.
Now, according to the Guardian, applicants were sent a letter last week. As I'm on work experience at Reading I haven't seen mine, but I'm sure it's waiting for me on the doormat. I found out about the whole thing from yesterday.
This leaves only the Times and PA's production journalist scheme left for those hoping to get onto the nationals.
As another door slams shut, the chances of finding meaningful employment in this sector I so dearly want to work in seem slim. Already this year, the Telegraph and Guardian have cancelled their schemes, and Trinity Mirror froze their trainee recruitment last year, although interestingly their website doesn't mention this. I guess Dianne Reilly had a lot of students to disappoint.
The Daily Mail, while apprently keeping its traineeship, was so swamped with applicants that most were rejected immediately to get the numbers down.
So what is left? Ben Spencer tries to keep upbeat and positive but basically for new starters, fresh out of university with few contacts and no money, the future looks grim.
I almost feel sorry for the Times HR department.
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
I feel very sorry for journalists. I am one of the rare individuals who, is not a journalist, but has great appreciation for the profession, and what it use to represent. I just finished a very interesting interview series with various journalists and journalism professors on the future of journalism. They even interviewed the CSM editor. Highly recommended:
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